Saturday, November 21, 2009 @ 6:27 AM

just come back from airport.
went airport with aunty , kak lala , refdee & arfy.
arfy so hot la kan !

in the morning went john little with caca then head to burger
king to have our breakfast cum lunch.

kaay . bye(:

Thursday, November 12, 2009 @ 5:04 PM

i had insomnia last night .
so played phone challenge.
5 random words by sister

-donkey -monkey -money -kettle one more word i forget

after playing the game i still cannnot sleep!
& i dont know why i keep on thinking about
__I__ & __D__

to them ,
im sorry for everything.

happy belated birthday.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009 @ 7:14 PM

airaah`s sugar song make me sad :C
i become emo everytime i hear the song.
kakak jealous i went out with ahtape yesterday.
hahahhahaha !
us : * enter white sand
me : eyy , tkmu uhh . kita masuk dri blakng so kita terkejut kn aisyah.
at : ahh . kk .
me : *stop at yoghurt shop
me : aloooooooooooooooooooong ! fiqa naaaaak !
at : tak halal laaaa. jalan2
us : *reach mccafe
at: OI!
sis : eyy. krg g ane ?
me : :P
us : nak order apa eyy ?
me : mana paling mahal eyyy .
at : shout at me.
me : hahaha. klaah. paling susah nak buat
me : d.choc uhh .
sis hate it when people order double choc. hahahha!
us : walk towards ntuc
me : i want this watch !
at : srh uhh _____ belikan .
me : -_-
me : buy for meeeeeeeeee!
at : NO!
me : yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!
then the people behind ask talk about us
daaaaaaamn paiseey .
enter ntuc
at : jom kita amek bakul mcm datuk2
at : *take basket and put on my head
reach vegetable place
at : *take one vegetable
at : ketuk kepala baru tau!
jadi mcm org kt beach road.
me : tak baik seeeeeeey !
reach sushi counter
me : nak nii !
at : show at the sweet corn *
at : tak masuk akal seyy bende ni!
me : alooooooooooooooooong! nak ni! nak ni!
at : ada duit kaan !
me : tak de laa!
reach counter
at : aunty scan this also .
aunty : cannot laaa .
me : eyy !my wallet !
aunty : this one no barcode
at arcade
at : see la aunty this one cheat my money only .
me : :D
& we spend $5 on basketball . we finished up our money on that
game. hahah !
thanks ahtape (:

please visit me every weekened! Y
Tuesday, November 10, 2009 @ 6:02 PM

5 more days and im moving out from here :C
im soooo going to miss mum & dad(:
hopefully parents will come visit me every weekened!
mum didnt give me money today ! thank uhh mum !
hahhaha .

sunday will be the last day i update my blog.
why ? because imnot bringing my computer
& internet connection go there! hahah .

i miss last year! not so much .
but yeah .

Monday, November 9, 2009 @ 5:27 PM

yesterday was great i guess ?
went out around 10 rush to tamp
have breakfast at LJS .
head to lavender to do Ahtape uniform.
the person ask to come back 30 mins later.
sit downn at the foodcourt. eat & drink

makcik : *go inside toilet
makcik : *exit toilet
makcik : *salah toilet la cu ....
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn funny!
i saw the whole thing .

then head to bugis
went to iluma .

ahtape and sis book
jeannifer`s body ticket.
ahtape promised to change
the movie if i cannot buy.
thanks ahtape. -_-
mrajok with them . they blanja
coffee bean ! tau pon pujuk .
then buat hal lagi. so i run away from them.

went to mrt station . waited for adnand.

text msg from adnand:
afiqah i meet you at city hall can ? i lazy get off the train.

so went to city hall ...
saw this sweet looking girl
inside the train. i thought
she is not friendly. surprisingly
when i smile at her she smile at me back .
hahhaha .

waited for adnand ...

adnand terlajak ! have to wait for him loonger.
waited .waited.
called mum while waiting .
then adnand arrived.

& i saw clip on his hoodies ! daaaaaaaaaaamn funny!

went to wisma . nothing nice . -_-
walk around lucky plaza.
adnand mati2 nak kfc.
so went to far east . eat for a while.
then meet mum .

went subway to eat dinner .
kaaaaaaaaaaaaay . bye !

Saturday, November 7, 2009 @ 6:42 AM

i cant wait to move out from here .

"you dont even bother to look at my results"

dad: you never show me ? i dont even know you got it back alr .

me: common sense uhh . i get last day of school.

dad: you say school havent finish ?

me: then i never go school uhh for this week ?


@ 5:20 AM

thank god i get into 3NA .
i cant believe im secondary 3 next year .
hahaha .

im not sure the what the reason
i have been fighting with my parents
these few days. esp mum .
i want them to treat all their
children FAIRLY.
F-A-I-R-L-Y !
are they even trying ?
its not fair that sister and brother get
new room new stuff blashits & all.
& theres nothing new i get .
sister got the type of room i want . fuck off.
mum have been saying that we need to save money
as we are doing renovation. hello mother .
we save money then you spend . sedaaaaaap!
buy your jeans all . stop saying ive change . ok ?
im just going to ignore whatever you said .

scene 1

me:i want to buy dress
me:yeah laa. only adib&aisyah

scene 2

me: i want new bed& table.
mum: ignore

scene 3

me: i want starbucks
me:seeeeee . everytime i talk you ignore .
me:*walk down the stairs
me:urgh. forget it .
dad: you want to buy or not ?
me: forget it laaa. just walk .
dad: want to buy for you dont want
me:*walk off and look for the car

scene 4

me:i want buy clothes
me: * roll eyes
dad:see you ignore her again .
dad:what clothes you want ?
me: ignore

seee what i mean

" afiqah , you just break up is it ? why since exam you everytime sulk "

to dad :

O-M-G . you know im like this since exam so its OBVIOUS !
there something got to do with exam. whatever................!

Monday, November 2, 2009 @ 6:16 AM

i have no intention to make
my dad look so bad on my previous post
i just want to let go everything.
i sick of crying myself to sleep.
ot has been 4 days straight.

share it with someone?

i TRIED sharing with someone who i trust
but the person dont seems to care because
her life is so opposite of mine
so i know she wont know how i feel.

Thanks kak zainab(:

@ 5:14 AM

I have been crying these few days .
want to call me cry baby ? sure ago ahead.
but think before you call me one.
whats the reason i cry ? for fun ?
seek attention ? theres reason why i have
been crying these few days.
dont blame pms. dont say that i dont know how to
control my emotions. dont say that im pampered.

i was crying when dad entered my room
he asked me to talk to him .
in my heart " i have been crying for four
days straight and now
then you want to talk to me ? "

blaaablaaa blaaa.....

"youre making your life miserable this way"
that is what my dad said.

to dad :

miserable ? my life is full of misery dad .
let me repeat FULL. i dont see the point
of me having a good time of life because i
know i will end up crying. dad , remember
the last time we talked heart to heart ?
you promised me that i will get freedom ?
you promised me that you would understand
me better ? where is that promise ?
are you still holding on to your words ?
freedom ? your giving me unreasonable curfew.
since sister is busy working i cant go out
because i have to take care of my brother.
stop saying you understand me when you really dont.
you really dont dad. you dont know how i suffer.
you dont know why i suffer. stop saying you
are proud of me when you really dont. how
can you be proud of me when you have not seen my
report book ? & dont say you have seen my report book .
you said that you will try to be fair .
you said that you will try to be a type of father that
i want. i dont want you to compare me with other people.
i dont want you to expect me to be the best because
all i can do is do my best . i need your support & motivation
dad. reward. mum bought kak long stuff. but neither mum nor you
get me something as a reward. nothing much i want to ask from
you dad. all i asked is you to hold on to your words.
"im so proud of you" that is just a clishe. i know .

thank you kak meera.
i really hope you understand me
& know how i feel . i love you
vv much !

to people who call me a cry baby /
who ask me to stop crying :

Sunday, November 1, 2009 @ 7:57 PM

Im not in the mood to laugh or do anything
that can make me happy. seriously.
i just want to cry! im afraid that if i laugh
a lot then im not able to laugh/smile on thursday!
a maths , poa , d&t ? hmmm .
Not d&t please .

bake muffin this morning. daaaamn early.
i got nothing better to do .

going to singapore idol again this week. i dont have any green top !

i get irritated if people text me want to prank.
get a life. if you think i want to go on with
the flow . you thought wrong. if you think im
interested ? sorry hunny, im not interested at all.

yesterday went to chalet for Irfan`s birthday.
The playroom daamn fun . haha .
ala & i cuci mata uhh apa lagi .

then somebody ask we all to go back to the chalet.

Ahmad: mana sezairi ? mana? mana ?
muaz: oh , dia cakp klw nk jumpa kene amek kan air.
ahmad: okok .
agil: siapa lagi nak air ?
me: hahahha ! beyloo !

ahmad : hug sezairi*
sezairi : macam da kenal lama .
ahmad: point to himself*
ni beli dia(sezairi) kecik kan ?
sezairi : banyak bobal uhh dia nie.


gtg noow . i want to sleeeeeeeep!





30 September 1995
I dont play to get even.
I play to win ;D
its win-lose situation baby
ill win, youll lose


October 2009
November 2009
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