THhhe. Y
Friday, April 2, 2010 @ 9:42 PM

wanted to go out with sister buy the shades bt haiyaaaaaaa.
ok so want to go out on saturday i have madrasah so cannot go out.


mummy bought chocolates:D
mummy goreng my fav banana^^ wooohhoooo .

Thursday, April 1, 2010 @ 2:12 AM

looooooooooooooool. who is sleepy??
i ate cinnamon melts just now. woooah. niiice^^
cant wait for brownie melts now....

going to vacuum the house and then sleeep.
when i wake up going to do homework(maybe)
then clean my room sleep again.

hhahahahha . i love linus bynes!

note to god. Y
Sunday, March 28, 2010 @ 8:26 AM

dear god,
im not going to ask you why are you testing me like this.
im not going to ask you why this is happening to me.
but Allah S.W.T , im going to ask you to give me strength
to face the challenge and keep my head held high.
god, please guide me to go through all this. send me
guidiance from above. lead me to the right path.

I have to stay strong, i cant show him that he got me well.
why i keep on failing? why i keep on losing?
why i cant make it to the end? why are others always on top of me?
why cant i get what i want? why cant i be like them who always win?

there are a lot of things runing through mind

Game Plan Y
Friday, March 26, 2010 @ 9:38 PM

You Dont Know What I Know.
i may not know the reason why but i do know what are you up to. i have my own game plan too baby.
Thank you hafiz for the tips ;D

Big Girls Dont Cry Y
Thursday, March 25, 2010 @ 11:57 PM

Grief-stricken but im strong(:

People come and go. sometimes they comeback. if i have a choice i dont want people to come if i know they will leave. doesnt matter if they will come back in future.

However, i wish that one day i could

say goodbye easily as if it is one of my forte.

you cant have all at once, but you could give it all at once. why must things be the other way round? why cant we have things the way we wanted it to be. why do we have to go through the worst before we could get to the best?

its hard to make our life better when problems just keep coming our way. slowly one by one leave, leaving you alone. isnt it nice to know that someone is there for you all the time although the person could not do anything to help you make the situation better? but when the person leave situation got worst. as long as i know my parents are still here for me, i know imnot going through this alone. thank god for them and i hope He will not take them away from me.
Though there are times when i hate them, when i wish they are not my parents i still love them and i know i couldnt live without them by my side.
i have come into conclusion that i could not trust anyone.
Goodbye, till we meet again.

Saturday, March 20, 2010 @ 11:52 PM

lets pray hard that i could get all my things done today(:

Friday, March 19, 2010 @ 7:47 AM



30 September 1995
I dont play to get even.
I play to win ;D
its win-lose situation baby
ill win, youll lose


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